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Compatible Viewers

Before you can connect to OpenSim, you'll need to have downloaded one of the following clients that can connect to OpenSim. The following are not affiliated with itself.

  • Linden Client (Release version 2 is not fully supported by OpenSim.)
  • Hippo Viewer - a fork of version 1.23 of the Linden Client with OpenSim specific enhancements
  • RealXtend - a fork of the 1.23 Linden Client that has specialized features (not fully supported.)
  • Cool VL Viewer - one of the oldest Third Party Viewers around (former name: Cool SL Viewer), fully OpenSim compatible.
  • Phoenix Viewer Based on the now discontinued Emerald Viewer (which was based on the 1.23 LL viewer), one of the most popular viewers. Combines many improvements and features from different viewers. (Not fully supported)
  • Imprudence Innovative viewer with a high focus on OpenSimulator (good OSSL support). Highly popular amongst users on OSGrid.

The viewers below are open source, and not based on the Snowglobe, nor on the Snowstorm viewers.

Connecting with the Linden Viewer

***NOTE***: These instructions apply to the Linden Labs viewer ONLY. Most other viewers have a more elegant method, called GridInfo protocol, to choose a grid. See the documentation for those viewers for more information.

Every OpenSim grid or instance will specify a loginuri, which is a uri of the form http://someserver:9000 (standalone mode) or http://someserver:8002 (grid mode). For instance, for osgrid, this is

A list of major public grids can be found at Grid_List. OSGrid is just one of many available.

All you have to do is to pass this loginuri command line parameters to the viewer and launch with it. See this wiki page (Viewer parameters#Using Viewer Parameters) how to do that.

On OSX environments, if you have multiple viewers and multiple grids to connect to, you can try the following AppleScript (one could do something similar with a shell script). Feel free to copy and modify for your own use.

--  This script selects a viewer and a grid for virtual worlds.
-- Variables for the two supported viewers.  More may be added here.
set lindenViewer to "\"/Applications/SecondLife/Second Life\""

set emeraldViewer to "\"/Applications/SecondLife/GreenLife Emerald Emerald Viewer\""
-- Variables for options to select the specified grid.  Since the viewers
-- are based on the 2nd life viewer, the options are the same for each
-- viewer.  Also, connecting to the Second Life grid is the default option
-- if no other options are provided.
-- Currently, four grids are supported.  More may be easily added.
set lindenOptions to ""

set localStandalone to " -loginuri http://vw.server.lan:9000 -loginpage http://vw.server.lan/opensim/index.html"

set localGrid to " -loginuri http://vw.server.lan:8000 -loginpage http://vw.server.lan/opensim/index.html"

set osGridOptions to " -loginuri -loginpage -helperuri"
-- Display dialog and select the viewer.
set dialogResult to display dialog "Choose viewer:
1) 2nd Life viewer
2) Emerald viewer:" default answer "1" with title "Select Viewer" with icon 1

set option to text returned of dialogResult

if option = "2" then
	set viewer to emeraldViewer
	set viewer to lindenViewer
end if
-- Display dialog and select the grid.
set dialogResult to display dialog "Choose server:
1) 2nd Life grid
2) local standalone
3) local grid
4) OS Grid" default answer "2" with title "Select Grid" with icon 1

set grid to text returned of dialogResult

if grid = "1" then
	set options to lindenOptions
else if grid = "2" then
	set options to localStandalone
else if grid = "3" then
	set options to localGrid
else if grid = "4" then
	set options to osGridOptions
	set options to localStandalone
end if
-- Combine the grid and viewer and execute the result.
set command to viewer & options
do shell script command

Linden Viewer options

The Linden viewer has a number of other options. Some are useful, some are not. See Parameter Reference from Second Life Wiki for detail.

Alternative Connection Approaches

Via a Web Browser

You can also set up a Browser Protocol Handler which will make opensim:// links in your browser do the expected thing, and launch the right OpenSim viewer.

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